Plagued With Hemorrhoids? Try Our Tips For Relief!

Hemorrhoids are unlike most ailments. People are perfectly comfortable discussing their other medical issues, but are much less willing to openly talk about their hemorrhoid problem. At some moment in their lives, most people are going to have to face the awful symptoms that come with this condition. Use the tips from this article to help treat and prevent hemorrhoids.

Be sure to be scrupulous in your hygiene, especially when hemorrhoids are present. Moist wipes clean better than most toilet papers and can feel more comfortable. A sitz bath at a lukewarm temperature will help reduce the swelling and irritation of hemorrhoids. Soak in the bath for no less than 20 minutes.

If hemorrhoids are a problem for you, keeping the anal area clean is very important. After each bowel movement, use pre-moistened towelettes instead of plain toilet paper. The warm sitz bath can relieve the swelling and the pain that is associated with the hemorrhoids. You should soak in this warm bath for 20 minutes at a minimum.

Drink plenty of water if you have issues with hemorrhoids. Your stools will be softer if you are hydrated. You should avoid alcohol and caffeine.

One of the things that cause hemorrhoids is too much straining during bowel movements. Increase the amount of water you drink and eliminate refined sugar from your diet to soften your stool. It can also be helpful to assume a squatting position when having a bowel movement, as this helps avoid straining. When you sit on the toilet, use a small stool or similar object for support beneath your feet. In countries around the world where they don’t use toilets but instead squat to have a bowel movement, hemorrhoids are rare.

This article began with the different types of hemorrhoids that people suffer from. External and internal hemorrhoids were both discussed in the hopes of helping you to better understand they type that you are suffering from. Now that you have more knowledge on hemorrhoids, you can have relief from this terrible condition that a large amount of people suffer from.

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